The one skill that I teach that I have found reaches the farthest beyond the four walls of my classroom is instruction students on how to syllabitize words. By teaching students to divide words into smaller parts, or syllables, they add a tool to their toolbox when it comes to decoding unknown words (Johns & Lenski, 2010). Once students begin to learn the 7 types of syllables in-depth, they begin to carry these skills to help them encode words as well. By using the rules to syllabitize a word, students can determine the sounds some letters, especially vowel sounds, represent in a word (Palumbo, Kramer-Vide, & Hunt, 2015, p. 110). "Leong’s (1989) finding that when recognizing long words, students used morphemes as units to aid in decoding. Students more skilled at word recognition relied more heavily on morpheme recognition" (Palumbo, Kramer-Vide, & Hunt, 2015, p. 112). Moreover, by using these rules and shortcuts, students are able to attack words in a different ...